
Uganda’s confirmed petroleum resource base is currently estimated at 6.5 billion barrels of Stock Tank Oil-Initially-In-Place (STOIIP). Of this, between 1.4 to 1.7 billion barrels are estimated to be recoverable.

In the upstream petroleum subsector, UNOC plays two roles.

  1. Manages State Participation in production licenses.
  2. Investigate and propose new petroleum exploration ventures.

State Participation

UNOC is mandated to hold 15% participating interest as the Government’s Nominee in the Petroleum Production Licenses awarded for discovered oil and gas fields.

There are currently nine production licenses, covering 13 oil and gas fields in which UNOC manages the participating interest of the State. These fields are planned to be developed through the Tilenga and Kingfisher Projects and commercialized through an in-country refinery and a crude export pipeline.